Teaching at the American University in Cairo

Fathi M. A. Ahmed has taught translation at the American University in Cairo’s School of Continuing Education. His courses spanned legal translation, UN translation, introductory and advanced translation skills, and problem-solving strategies. 

Ahmed’s teaching style has been interactive, with each class functioning more like a workshop than a lecture. He has provided practical feedback on students' translations, organized them into small teams, and encouraged peer learning. Emphasizing problem-solving, he has guided students to identify and correct errors independently, helping them develop self-reliant translation skills. He has also helped develop several study guides in collaboration with colleagues, with AUC publishing more than five of these resources.

Ahmed’s training prepared many students for working for international organizations, and his courses benefited hundreds of adult translators, lawyers, and language professionals, many of whom now work in legal translation or related fields. He received several honor roll certificates and merit awards for teaching. His professional relationships with students often evolved into friendships, and he found learning opportunities in these connections as well.