Fathi M. A. Ahmed Gives lecture at  Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism

Cairo, Egypt, 22 November 2020 

Fathi M. A. Ahmed delivered a pivotal lecture at the Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism, a center dedicated to countering extremist rhetoric in thirteen different languages. The focus of the lecture was on how to effectively use translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives, a vital element in fine-tuning the Observatory’s ongoing efforts in this critical area. Ahmed highlighted the significance of employing precise language in creating impactful messages that could combat extremism on a global scale.

During the session, Ahmed praised the openness of Al-Azhar institutions for seeking advice from external experts, calling it a commendable practice. His lecture sparked discussions on the possibility of offering a full training course for the Observatory's researchers, further emphasizing the importance of enhancing their work through refined translation strategies.

Fathi M. A. Ahmed delivering a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.
Fathi M. A. Ahmed delivering a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.

One of the central recommendations Ahmed shared was the preference for original writing over translation. He argued that to avoid the pitfalls of translation, especially the risk of misinterpretation, it would be more effective to craft messages in the target languages directly. Writing in multiple languages, while respecting the cultural nuances embedded in each, would have a greater impact than translating from a master Arabic text.

Ahmed also stressed the need to avoid defensive language forms. For example, instead of stating, “Islam does not promote hate for non-Muslims,” it is more powerful to use affirmative language that avoids giving voice to negative stereotypes. Conciseness was another critical point, as Ahmed highlighted that brevity denotes stronger, more confident messaging, while excessive rhetoric can weaken arguments.

Fathi M. A. Ahmed delivering a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.

In a notable section of his lecture, Ahmed addressed the importance of using challenging terminology when referring to extremist groups. He recommended using the term "Daesh" instead of the self-proclaimed titles like "Islamic State," which lends false legitimacy to such organizations. By adopting terms with negative connotations, counter-narratives can undermine the image these groups attempt to project.

Another key area of the lecture involved the need to use internationally agreed-upon terminologies and avoid political correctness when addressing hate speech. Ahmed pointed out that quoting offensive language directly in counter-speech, instead of sanitizing it, could help expose the full extent of the hatred behind such rhetoric.

In closing, Ahmed called on Muslim religious leaders to be mindful of using modern language standards and gender-inclusive terminologies, ensuring their messages resonate on a global scale. He underscored the importance of precise language, fact-based narratives, and cautious communication to build credibility in the fight against extremism.

The lecture was not just a singular event but a stepping stone towards more comprehensive training, with discussions about future collaborations aimed at empowering Al-Azhar’s researchers to continue their crucial work with even greater precision and clarity.

Fathi M. A. Ahmed's presentation for a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.
Fathi M. A. Ahmed's presentation for a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.
Fathi M. A. Ahmed's presentation for a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.
Fathi M. A. Ahmed's presentation for a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.
Fathi M. A. Ahmed's presentation for a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.
Fathi M. A. Ahmed's presentation for a lecture at Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism on using translation and terminology to craft counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric.