Lecture: Language Careers at International Organizations
CAIRO, 6 February 2020
Fathi M. A. Ahmed delivered a lecture on career opportunities in language at international organizations at Al-Azhar University's Faculty of Humanities. The event, held on the university's Cairo campus, drew students and faculty members interested in exploring this field.
The lecture was organized by the Spanish Language Section, led by Professor Marwa El-Zaqaqi, with coordination by Ms. Yasmine Abdelrahman. Ahmed discussed the various career paths available to linguists in global institutions, engaging with the audience by answering questions and providing advice.
At the conclusion of the event, Ahmed was presented with a certificate of recognition from the university, acknowledging his contribution to the session.
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Key Resources
UN General Website: www.un.org
UN Entities in Egypt: www.egypt.un.org
UN Documents: www.documents.un.org
UN Careers Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/UN.Careers/
UN Language Website: www.unlanguage.org
International Atomic Energy Agency Careers Website: www.iaea.org/employment
World Health Organizations Careers Website: www.who.int/careers
Vacancy Notification Website: www.unjoblist.org
UN documents translated and/or revised by Mr. Abdelsattar Ali in bitext format: http://english2arabic.com/wasaeq.html